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The Greatest Pop-Up Tactic that No One Knows About


by Ryan Deiss, creator of Pop-Up Rotator



Internet marketers and webmasters love to sing the praises of pop-ups.

And who can blame them? No other online tool or tactic can boast better results when it comes to increasing sales conversion rates and building opt-in lists.

But the purpose of this article is not to convince you to use pop-ups. On the contrary, I�m assuming that you�re already familiar with pop-ups, and have possibly even used them on your own site.

For this article, I want to bring to light an almost completely unknown tactic for using pop-ups. It�s nothing fancy or tricky. In fact, it�s the only pop-up method I know of that actually increases your revenues 
while at the same time decreasing the annoyance level that your visitors endure.

I have even coined a name for this �new� tactic. I call it pop-up rotation.

Here�s how pop-up rotation works...

When a visitor comes to your site for the first time, they are met with a pop-up asking them to signup for your ezine or download your free report. Since they�re already interested in what you have to offer, they joyfully take you up on the free report or subscription.

However, let�s say that very same visitor returns again. On most sites they would be met with the same pop-up they saw their first visit, or no pop-up at all (depending on whether or not the pop-up uses cookies).

But here�s the problem...

If this is your site, you�ve wasted a valuable opportunity, and squandered some of the most valuable real estate on your website. There�s also a very good chance that if the visitor keeps seeing the same pop-up over and over again that they�ll begin to get annoyed, and possible stop coming to your site. (That, of course, is a bad thing.)

But here�s the good news...your site is different, because you use pop-up rotation.

When that same visitor returns to your site a second time, they aren�t met with a pop-up that they�ve already seen (and no longer applies). Instead they�re met with a brand new pop-up that:

� Thanks them for returning to the site
� Makes them a new offer
� Offers them another freebie
� Or whatever else you can think of...

In short, pop-up rotation allows you to optimize your pop-up space by �rotating� different pop-ups and displaying them each time a visitor returns to your site.

The concept is simple, but incredibly effective!

Just think...instead of annoying your visitors with the same pop-up time and time again, you�ll now get to show them different pop-ups that will directly impact your profitability. 

Ok, so by now you have to be asking yourself, �So what do I need to do to my site to enable pop-up rotation?�

Well in all honesty, the programming is far too complicated to go into here, but the good news is that I created a handy software program that allows you to just plug in the specifications of your pop-ups and then easily generate the necessary coding.

I call the software, Pop-Up Rotator, and you can learn more about it by clicking on the link below:


So there you have it...the greatest pop-up tactic that no one knows about.

And now that the secret�s out, pop-up rotation is sure to become the internet standard for pop-ups as more and more people get wind of it.

If I were you, I would implement it as soon as possible...before 
your competition beats you to it. :-)


Pop-Up Rotation is a powerful new Web Marketing tactic that; 


- allows YOUR visitors to see a different pop-up every time they return to your site

- allows you to dramatically increase your subscription rate

- boosts your sales conversion ratio


Pop-Up Rotator can sell more products, increase your profits, and multiply your sign-ups. Learn how...



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